Martin Dudley started Rubber Duck Recycling as an Earthday association at Antigua Sailing Week and the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta in 2011. There was so much enthusiasm from people who were very pleased to see a re-cycling scheme being implemented, that Martin decided to make it his personal mission to run it as a three year experimental project and has dedicated himself to the cause since.
“This is the last year of the project and we have all learnt so much. It seems we are making a difference, so it makes all the hard work worth it. We have collected and delivered some seven tons of mixed materials to the facility at Antigua & Barbuda Waste Recycling Corporation, principally PET 1 and 2, Aluminum beverage cans and steel tins. A massive thanks to our supporters and sailors. You have provided the strength to carry on and there is no going back now,” comments Martin.
The work carries on after Antigua Sailing Week with a similar project running during the Carnival season of Fetes.
Antigua Sailing Week and the Environmental Awareness Group of Antigua and Barbuda (EAG) have also joined forces with Sailors for the Sea to enhance our support to make this an environmentally friendly sailing event wherever possible. Sponsors, partners, restaurants, bars, the media, the planning team and resident population, including party goers, all have a role to place in this endeavour. We all benefit from a cleaner, greener regatta.