Get in touch

We want your feedback

We are a small team with a wide network of volunteers, sponsors and partners. If you would like to provide feedback about past events or ideas for the future please just get in touch with us. Our main contacts are listed below.

Particpant Links

Enter 2024Enter here
For Yacht Charter Companies wishing to offer a boat for chartersSubmit details of your yacht here
For participants looking for a yacht to charterClick here to view available charters

Contact Us

Main OfficeGeneral Enquiries+1 (268) 729-6651[email protected]
Race ManagerJaime Torres+1 (787) 640-0849[email protected]
President & Commercial DirectorAlison Sly-Adams+1 (268) 725-4692[email protected]
Events and Marketing Rana Lewis+1 (268)729-2722[email protected]
Press OfficeTrish Jenkins[email protected]
Race ReporterLouay Habib[email protected]

Our Sponsors